
Check Out These Simple Dog Training Ideas

Getting a new dog is a very exciting time, however, it is pretty much like having a newborn baby at home. There is a lot involved when you first get a dog. Sometimes, it could feel a little bit overwhelming. However, the tips you will find in this article will help get you on your way to an obedient little dog.

If you cannot calmly work with your pet, it is best to put training aside until you have composed your mood. Your dog does not understand bad moods. Confusion can set in with your dog if you become frustrated in trying to work on basics. Patience and kindness are key factors in a dominant leader.

When training your dog, it is imperative that you remain patient at all times. Moving too quickly or losing your temper can confuse your dog and cause him to mistrust you. Without proper trust, your dog will never fully submit to your training and your relationship with your dog will surely suffer.

As you train your dog, it is important to remember that everything you do with your pet is an opportunity for them to learn. Without realizing it, you may be rewarding undesirable behaviors throughout the day. Keep in mind that whether you are actively training or not, your actions are still having a large impact on your dog’s behavior.

When training your dog to specific commands, don’t mix in pleasantries and other extra words. Give the command word sharply and alone. Your dog doesn’t understand words like “please”, and won’t be upset at your lack of manners. Keeping the commands alone and clear makes it easier for your dog to understand and obey.

Dogs can get bored during training. Doing the same thing over and over for endless time periods, will assure your dog will not be a good student. Try to vary your routine and put time limits on the amount of time you practice different behaviors. When your dog feels like an experience is new, he will respond quicker.

When training your dog, be competent! Your dog wants to know that you are in charge and that you know what you are doing. If you are inconsistent, anxious, irritable, angry, or in any way unstable while training your dog, you will not succeed. You must be calm, consistent, and competent. If you don’t know about dog training, it is a very good idea to learn from books, videos and people who know before you ever get a dog!

You have to be firm during dog training. You should not be yelling at your dog all the time. Be strict only when your dog disobeys or adopts an attitude you do not approve of. This is a good way to establish a good relationship with your puppy.

If you don’t want your dog to chew your furniture, making it unpleasant, can help. There are many clear and odor free products on the market that you can put on an item. These products will make the item taste bitter or unpleasant, thereby, deterring your pet from chewing it.

If you’re tired of your dog pulling on the leash while walking with you, here’s a simple training method. Take your leashed dog to an outside place that is familiar to both of you – such as the backyard – then begin to walk. If your pet stays beside you, right at your thigh, reward it with a treat. If the animal rushes forward, stop walking. If it wanders off for some reason, say “let’s go” in an upbeat way and turn and walk another way. When it catches-up with you, give it a treat, and if it doesn’t catch-up, pull gently on the leash until it gets the point. In this way, you reward good behavior and don’t have to be unduly harsh for bad behavior.

A great dog training tip is to be perceptive about what dog foods and treats your dog likes. Just like humans, not all dogs like the same foods. There are a lot of different dog treats. Try experimenting with different dog treats to see which ones your dog likes the most.

One tip to keep in mind when training your dog, is to always reward good behavior, and discipline bad behavior. This is important because your dog needs this stiff structure. Otherwise, it may get confused. Your dog can not comprehend many human emotions and needs a strictly on/off type of response from you.

To help train your dog, you must be consistent in your use of commands. Your dog will remember the way a command sounds, not the context of the command. For example, if you wish to use the command “come” to summon the dog, only use that command. Do not use a command “here”, or “get over here” and expect the same result.

Crate-training is an excellent way to curb bad potty habits. Your puppy or dog will benefit from a sanctuary fitted to his size. Dogs are evolutionarily designed to stay away from where they ‘go’, so a crate uses this fact to your advantage. This also makes it more likely that your dog will hold it until you get home, however, never use the crate as a form of punishment.

Dogs can be spoiled just like children. While rewards are definitely necessary to keep your dog on the right path, too many rewards can lead your dog to expect them! Your dog should be treated for challenging tasks, or performing tasks he knows under exceptional circumstances. Making him work for his grub encourages him to stay on his toes.

Pay careful attention to your timing as you train your dog. It is much more effective to correct him just before he has misbehaved rather than after; if you are able to catch him while he is still thinking about what he should do, your redirection is much more likely to have a lasting impact.

After reading this article, you can see that it is possible to have a dog that is both adorable and obedient. With just a little bit of persistence, as well as, the suggestions given in this article, you will have a dog that you can be proud of before you know it.

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