#Horse Toys

Top Likit Boredom Buster Horse Toys

Likit Boredom Buster Horse Toys


Horses, those magnificent creatures that have trotted through history alongside humanity for centuries, are known for their strength, grace, and boundless energy. But just like humans, horses can also experience boredom, especially when confined to stalls or paddocks for extended periods.

Boredom in horses can lead to a range of undesirable behaviors, from crib-biting to weaving. Thankfully, the equestrian world has come up with ingenious solutions to keep our equine friends entertained and mentally engaged. Enter the world of boredom buster horse toys, where innovation meets equine enthusiasm.

There are many ways to keep your horse entertained, and boredom busters are a great option. Boredom busters are toys that are designed to challenge and occupy your horse’s mind. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials, so you can find one that is perfect for your horse’s personality and interests.

Here are a few of the most popular boredom busters for horses

Likit Boredom Buster Horse Toy

The Likit Boredom Buster is a unique horse toy that is designed to provide hours of mental stimulation and enrichment. It is made of a durable plastic material and is shaped like a ball with several holes in it. The toy is filled with Likit blocks, which are flavored salt blocks that horses love to lick.

When the horse licks the Likit blocks, the toy spins and turns, making it difficult to get to the treats. This keeps the horse engaged and entertained for long periods of time. The Likit Boredom Buster can also be used to help horses with behavioral problems, such as boredom chewing or cribbing.

Here are some of the benefits of using the Likit Boredom Buster

  • Provides mental stimulation and enrichment.
  • Helps to prevent boredom chewing and cribbing.
  • Keeps horses occupied for long periods of time.
  • Made of durable material that can withstand horse’s chewing.
  • Easy to use and clean.

The Likit Boredom Buster is a great way to keep your horse entertained and healthy. It is a safe and effective way to provide your horse with the mental stimulation they need to thrive.

Here are some additional tips for using the Likit Boredom Buster

  • Fill the toy with a variety of Likit blocks to keep your horse interested.
  • Hang the toy in a safe place where the horse can reach it easily.
  • Start by filling the toy with a few Likit blocks and gradually increase the number as your horse gets used to the toy.
  • Supervise your horse when they are using the toy to make sure they do not swallow any of the blocks.

Treat balls

These balls are filled with treats or hay, and your horse has to work to get them out. This is a great way to keep your horse occupied for hours.

Jolly balls

These balls are made of a durable material and are designed to bounce and roll around. Your horse can chase them, kick them, or simply roll them around with their nose.

Ball feeders

These feeders are designed to dispense food slowly, which encourages your horse to eat more slowly and prevents boredom.

Nose work toys

These toys are designed to challenge your horse’s sense of smell. They can be filled with treats or hay, and your horse has to use their nose to find the food.

Puzzle toys

These toys are designed to challenge your horse’s problem-solving skills. They can be made of wood, plastic, or rubber, and they come in a variety of shapes and sizes.

When choosing a boredom buster for your horse, it is important to consider their personality and interests. Some horses prefer toys that they can chase or kick, while others prefer toys that they can chew on. It is also important to choose a toy that is made of durable material that can withstand your horse’s chewing and playing.

Boredom busters are a great way to keep your horse entertained and healthy. By providing your horse with plenty of mental stimulation, you can help to prevent boredom, destructive behavior, and health problems.

Here are some additional tips for keeping your horse entertained

  • Spend time with your horse every day. This could involve grooming, riding, or simply talking to them.
  • Take your horse for walks or turnout in a pasture. This will give them the opportunity to exercise and explore their surroundings.
  • Introduce new objects and activities to your horse regularly. This will help to keep them interested and engaged.
  • Provide your horse with plenty of food and water. A well-fed and hydrated horse is less likely to become bored.

The Science of Boredom in Horses

Before we dive into the exciting world of equine entertainment, let’s understand why boredom is a concern for horses. Horses are naturally curious and active animals, spending hours each day grazing, exploring, and socializing in the wild. When they’re kept in stables or small enclosures, they can become frustrated and bored. This can lead to stress-related health issues and destructive behaviors.

Boredom can affect horses in various ways

  1. Crib-Biting:

    This is when a horse grasps an object (usually the stall door) with its teeth and sucks in air, creating a distinctive, repetitive noise.

  2. Weaving:

    Horses might rock back and forth or side to side, often accompanied by swaying their head.

  3. Aggression:

    Boredom can lead to increased aggression towards other horses or handlers.

  4. Depression:

    Horses may exhibit lethargic behavior, with reduced interest in food and grooming.

  5. Weight Loss:

    Loss of appetite due to boredom can result in unhealthy weight loss.

Enter the Boredom Buster Horse Toys

Recognizing the need to keep horses mentally and physically engaged, equestrian enthusiasts and experts have developed a wide range of toys and tools designed to combat equine boredom. These boredom buster horse toys are not just fun; they serve a vital purpose in maintaining the mental and emotional well-being of our equine companions.

  1. Cheerful Balls:

    Jolly Balls are colorful, durable, and bouncing toys that horses love to chase and kick. They come in various sizes and are made from tough, non-toxic materials that withstand rough play.

  2. Treat Dispensing Toys:

    These toys can hold treats or small feed pellets. Horses must nudge or manipulate the toy to release the goodies, keeping them engaged and rewarded for their efforts.

  3. Likit Toys:

    Likit toys are designed to hold flavored treats or supplements. Horses lick and chew on them, providing both mental stimulation and a tasty reward.

  4. Hanging Toys:

    Hanging toys like the “Jolly Stall Snack” can be attached to stall doors or fences. They swing and jingle as horses interact with them, adding an auditory dimension to the play.

  5. Puzzle Feeders:

    Puzzle feeders challenge horses to figure out how to access their feed. These toys not only entertain but also slow down eating, promoting better digestion.

  6. Mirrors:

    Horses are naturally social animals, and mirrors can provide them with a companion of sorts. Some horses find comfort in their reflection, reducing feelings of loneliness.

The Benefits of Boredom Buster Toys

Introducing boredom buster horse toys into a horse’s daily routine offers several advantages

  1. Mental Stimulation:

    These toys engage a horse’s brain, keeping them mentally sharp and reducing the risk of boredom-related behaviors.

  2. Physical Activity:

    Many toys encourage movement, helping horses burn off excess energy and stay physically fit.

  3. Stress Reduction:

    Toys can provide a source of comfort and distraction, especially for horses in stressful situations like travel or recovery from injury.

  4. Social Interaction:

    Mirrors and some hanging toys offer a sense of companionship, reducing feelings of isolation.

  5. Better Digestion:

    Puzzle feeders slow down eating, which can prevent digestive issues like colic.


Boredom buster horse toys are not just novelties; they are essential tools for ensuring the well-being of our equine friends. By keeping horses mentally and physically engaged, these toys promote a happier and healthier life for them. So, whether you’re a seasoned equestrian or a horse lover looking to enrich your equine companion’s life, consider investing in some of these delightful toys. Your horse will thank you with a cheerful whinny and a wagging tail.

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  1. […] Galloping Fun: Likit Boredom Buster Horse Toys […]

  2. […] Galloping Fun: Likit Boredom Buster Horse Toys […]

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