
Having Difficulty With Your Dog? Try These Suggestions For Helping Your Pet Change Their Behavior Now

Training your dog is an important part of dog ownership. Unless you get a mature dog, you will need to potty train your puppy if you don’t want accidents in the house. Probably even more important is to teach your dog that you are his master, and he must obey you.

You will want to use your pet’s name to get his or her attention. Use your dog’s name when calling to go for a walk, for meal times, and for play. This will teach your dog to pay attention when you say their name. Never punish a dog for coming to you when you call them.

Dog training should be viewed as a form of self control. If you’re not able to control yourself, you’ll never control your dog. Walk away from your dog, rather than letting him see an angry outburst, and remain calm even when his behavior is not stellar. Your dog will respond in a positive light if he watches you do the same.

When teaching a puppy basic commands, start with ‘sit’. This is the easiest one for a dog to master. Hold his favorite snack just above his nose, and firmly say ‘sit’. Most dogs will instinctively sit down at this point. Offer him the treat and don’t forget to praise him profusely. If he doesn’t sit, gently push his rear end towards the floor. After he has been sitting for a few seconds, give him the treat, and like before, remember to praise him.

Make sure your dog’s diet is appropriate for him. If your dog is a lazy dog who likes to lounge around all day, you don’t want to give him the high protein food a dog who herds sheep would receive. This can cause problems and high vet bills down the road.

The key to successful dog training is to start them as soon as possible. No matter how old your dog may be it is never too late to get them started. While it may take a little longer, you can still achieve a great deal of success. You can start training most puppies after they are about 6 weeks old. This is the perfect time to get the ground rules setup for a calmer more obedient dog.

You should make sure to eat your own meal first before feeding your dog. This shows your dog that you are leader of the pack and helps establish your dominance. Your dog will be much more likely to follow your other commands if he or she knows that you are the boss because you eat first.

While dog training with a leash, make sure that you are keeping the collar snug, yet a little bit loose. When the collar is too tight, it can actually make the dog want to pull you. A little slack can go a long way when you are dog training with a leash.

The best way to crate train an adult dog is to allow the dog to train himself. Put the crate in a quiet room with a comfortable blanket and a favorite toy inside and leave the dog alone in the room with the crate. This way, the dog learns that the crate isn’t something to be afraid of.

It is important to avoid dwelling on one task for too long. If you spend a lot of time on only one thing, your dog can get bored and frustrated. Early on, your training sessions should be limited to less than 10 minutes.

If you want to house train your dog and teach it to ask to go outside, you should associate a command with going outside. Stand with your dog close to the door, say the command and take it outside. As you repeat this, your dog will go to the door when you say the command if it needs to go.

One tip to keep in mind when training your dog, is to use its name properly. This is important because control over your pet is the number one priority in training and discipline. Say it’s name often, but only for direct orders. Never call your dog to you if you plan on inflicting punishment on it.

Spend plenty of time with your dog to make obedience training easier. When your dog associates your voice and presence with his or her normal environment, training becomes easier because your pet is more inclined to pay attention to you. Spending time playing or in other unstructured activities makes time spent in training exercises more effective.

It is a good idea to take your puppy out to as many places as possible as he is growing up and throughout his lifetime. Ongoing positive socialization experiences are important as they can keep him from becoming timid or afraid when he meets new people and other dogs.

You will get better results if employ a mixture of treats as a reward for your dog. These treats need to not be similar to daily treats, since you need to express a specialness that will encourage your canine to follow your commands to receive these special treats.

Don’t give treats to your dog for no reason, and never feed your dog at the table. Feed your dog his dog food in the same place, at the same time, every day. Give treats as rewards for good work done during training time. Otherwise, praise and petting are ample indications that you are friends with your dog. Too many treats at the wrong times will produce a spoiled, overweight dog.

No dog should pull you around. You have to be the leader. Use a short leash and keep your dog close to your side, pulling it back when it begins to lead and telling it to heel. Keep in mind that you are the one who is the leader in the relationship.

If you do not have the knowlege to train your dog yourself it is wise to take him to obedience school. The instructor will show you how to teach your dog to obey your commands, and as a result, he will be more enjoyable to you and your family, and he will be happier.

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