#Cat Litter and Litter Boxes

Tips For Being A Great Cat Care Giver

cat grooming

Cats are in a class of their own when it comes to animals. They are by far one of the best pets for the home. Cats are beneficial in keeping rodents out of your house, and they are also a lot of fun. By preventing pests from getting into the home, it is safe to say cats are real heroes.

Make sure to keep your cat’s litter box clean at all times. Most cats do not like to use a dirty litter box, much like you would not want to use a dirty toilet. Scoop it at least once a day. Empty and give it a good cleaning once a week or more if needed.

If your dog and cat are best friends, be sure to keep them separate after flea treatment. Your dog’s flea products are very hazardous for cats. Cats that come in contact with dog flea products often die. Be sure to use only cat products on your cat and only dog products on your dog.

Make sure your cat has a collar if it goes outside. Cats can travel a long way and this will help you get them back easier if they’re lost. The tag should contain your name and number for contact purposes.

Realize that cats do not normally pant. Dogs pant to keep cool. If a cat pants, it’s a sign of trouble. Your cat could be very anxious or in pain. Likewise, rapid breathing is a sign of pain or anxiety. Be sure to contact your vet right away if your cat starts panting.

Although depicted in countless movies and cartoons, milk is not the best source of nutrition for your cat. Once cats have grown, they do not need milk as a regular part of their diet. Milk can cause stomach distress and bloating. Instead of giving your cat milk, always have fresh, clean water available to them instead.

Keep dangerous chemicals away from your cat. Just like children, cats need to be kept away from items like cleaning materials since they could harm them. These chemicals are basically poison and if your cats consumes some or gets some on them, they could get very sick, get burned, or possibly die. Store these items in a place where your cat can’t find them or use a child-proof lock on their location.

Keep your cat’s coat healthy by giving them a supplement of nutritional yeast. Nutritional yeast is an inexpensive supplement that can be found in most health food stores. Simply sprinkle a little bit on your cat’s dry food, or mix it in with their wet food. Not only do they love how it tastes, but it’s full of protein and vitamins that will keep them looking their best!

Protect your cat from choking. Be sure to dispose of poultry and fish bones safely. Wrap them in a paper or plastic bag and put them in your outdoor garbage can with the lid tightly secured. Alternately, place them in a plastic bag and freeze them until garbage pick up day.

Cats are hunters by nature. They love to chase mice and other small animals and insects. Buying little fuzzy mice filled with catnip and batting them around with your cat is a great idea. Your cat will feel as though they are really hunting prey. This will also help you to connect with your cat better.

Get your cat sprayed and neutered to prevent diseases and infections that form in the reproductive system. This can also help reduce the chance for overpopulation in the country, as just one male who is not neutered can produce up to half a million offspring over the course of his life.

You should do regular checkups of your cat between veterinarian visits. A good time to do this is when you are petting the animal. Check the entire body for things like scabs and lesions. Also look in and around the ears for any discharge, which can be a sign of ear mites. Check the cat from head to tail.

Cats have a natural instinct to hunt small prey. This can sometimes be a problem if you have other small animals in your home. Make sure that bird cages are hanging from the ceiling. If you have a gerbil or hamster, make sure their cages are secure and up high out of your cats reach.

If you live in an area that is populated by wild animals, such as coyote and fox, you may need to make you cat an indoor cat. Wild animals pose a real threat to cats, and to avoid the loss of a beloved pet, it is sometimes best to keep them indoors for the course of their lives.

Most cats are prone to wax build up and ear mites. You can purchase a solution at the pet store that will clean out your cats ears. You put a couple drops in each of your cats ears and then hold them closed while massaging them for a minute. When you let go, stand back or you will get covered in the liquid when your cat shakes its head.

Use aversives to deter your feline friend from going places where it is not allowed. An aversive is anything that creates an undesirable environment for your cat. Examples include shelf paper (sticky side facing upward) and tinfoil. Most cats prefer to avoid these textures at all costs. You can also use carpet tape that has adhesive on both sides.

If your cat could stand to lose a few pounds, choose foods that help the animal to feel full. If the cat acts like it is hungry all the time, you will be tempted to feed (and overfeed) it. Look for cat foods that contain higher amounts of protein and fiber. This also promotes a healthy digestive system, which contributes to weight loss.

Cats are excellent for controlling rodent problems and help deter other pests from moving in. Compared to dogs, cats will almost always be more successful in their hunting attempts. With these skills and admirable qualities, it is easy to see why cats are a desirable addition to the family.

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